Sunday, 13 March 2011

Bungie Nearly Finished with Halo:Reach

 Bad News Guys, Bungie announced in its weekly update that there will be no new Halo:Reach map packs, coming from them atleast. The studio is in the process of completely handing over the reigns to 343 studios. Bungie's community manager, stated that: "we are not building map packs for Halo: Reach and we're no working on any engine modifications, with code pressed tightly to metal." "But in the wake of the launch (and fall) of Halo: Reach and the more recent DLC rumblings out of our friends in Redmond, some players have begun to suspect that Bungie’s time with the Halo franchise has now officially come to a close." Though Bungie is still under partial control of the game, claiming that "We're still here supporting Halo: Reach until Microsoft takes the reigns. As phases of the transition unfold we'll continue to work with Microsoft and 343 Industries to ensure the handoff requires as little brainpower from you as possible, and as we nail down significant dates we'll hammer home your expectations in kind. Rest assured all sides are working diligently to make sure the transition experience is as awesome as possible." The first Bungie-less map pack is coming later this month, where we'll get our first glimpse of what to expect from the team at 343 in regards to their development abilities. 

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